Friday, April 13, 2012

Just a Moment

I've found myself thinking a lot about this life recently; I can be distracted with random stuff, taken up with cares of today, fears and concerns for the future, and yet somehow my thoughts seem to rarely dwell on eternity and on the day when I will be able to see the Lord. I can dread the separations that life brings, I sometimes fear what kind of trials may come, but I forget that this life is just a moment, a vapor, here and then gone and that our faithful Shepherd is walking through life with us. This life is not the end-all; we as believers have eternity to look forward to. I recently heard someone speaking and I was impressed by his eternal perspective on life. He was sharing about getting ready to move across the country, and admitted that leaving close relationships was difficult, but he concluded that this life was but a short time before we would all be together worshipping the Lord before His throne. I was so encouraged by his perpsective on life - he was interpreting his blessings and trials through the lens of eternity. How differently we view life when we look at it from an eternal perspective. How I work at my job matters because I will give an account to the Lord for how I applied myself to the task He gave me. How I interact with other believers matters because we are in a warfare and are all marching towards eternity and need exhortation and encouragement along the way. How I interact with unbelievers matters because this life will be over soon and they will stand before the Lord their Judge. Blessings can be rejoiced in because they are but a small taste of what heaven will be like, and difficulties can be endured because, as Paul put it, they are just "momentary light afflictions," and our ever-present Savior gives grace sufficient for every trial (2 Cor 12:9). Earthly joys can be enjoyed but not lived for, because we have been freed from living for lesser things and now have the immense privilege of living for our Savior who is coming again. May the Lord further develop an eternal perspective in me and cause me to view my life in light of His return.

"Only one life to live, will soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last."   

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